Supernet monitoring

Supernet monitoring

As networks continue to evolve and scale, new devices are constantly being added to meet with the network's demands. Each newly added device is assigned with an IP address, and these will be managed under different subnets. Dealing with multiple subnets at a given time, is incredibly hard, and that is where the concept of supernets came into existence. Supernets allow you to group multiple subnets, so that it can be addressed as a single unit from outside the network.

Subnets allow you to group multiple IP addresses in your network into multiple units to prevent address depletion, while supernets allow you to enhance the routing process by grouping the subnets. Supernets result in an efficient routing table, that streamlines and makes your routing speed swifter, helping reduce network traffic.

While as important and as efficient supernets are, things can go wrong due to mismanaged or unmonitored supernets. This is the prime reason why you will need a full-fledged IP address management solution that allows you to take control of your IP infrastructure by efficiently managing subnets and supernets.

ManageEngine OpUtils: Supernet monitoring made easy!

OpUtils' supernet monitoring streamlines IP address management across diverse subnets. Using its IP Address Manager module, you can efficiently monitor and manage the network address space. This module provides you a centralized view of various supernets and their associated subnets, simplifying monitoring and enabling proactive management. With OpUtils, you can gain enhanced visibility and control over IP allocations, facilitating easier identification of IP utilization trends and ensuring optimal resource utilization across the network infrastructure.

OpUtils' supernet monitoring feature allows:
  • Hassle-free discovery

  • Instantaneous tracking

  • Easier troubleshooting

  • Actionable reports

 Easily discover, associate, and monitor supernets

With OpUtils, managing supernets is seamless and efficient. With just three simple steps, you can integrate supernets into your IP Address Manager console. You can begin by adding the supernet you wanted to monitor, then associate the relevant subnets with it.
Once a supernet is added, any newly added subnets falling within its range are automatically linked. This straightforward process enhances management capabilities through OpUtils' IP Address Manager module, providing a unified view of supernets and their associated subnets.

Gain real-time insights about subnet and IP status

OpUtils allow you to monitor subnet statuses such as usage and available IP addresses, and scan progress effortlessly. Gain real-time insights into network resource allocation and availability metrics for proactive management and optimal network performance. Achieve comprehensive visibility into your network infrastructure, allowing you to make informed decisions and utilize resources effectively.

Troubleshoot and remediate issues easily

OpUtils' predefined utilization thresholds allow you to quickly address emerging network issues such as subnet over-utilization, under-utilization, or IP address conflicts. These proactive alerts enable swift troubleshooting, ensuring continuous availability of IP address space, and maintaining smooth network operations. Promptly identify and resolve potential bottlenecks so that you can enhance network reliability and productivity while minimizing downtime and optimizing resource utilization.

Visualize your supernet utilization with actionable reports

OpUtils provides detailed, IP-specific reports that offer insights into IP address space utilization within your network. This capability supports effective capacity planning and optimization of address space by scaling networks to accommodate adjacent subnets that can be consolidated into supernets. Understanding these metrics empowers you to expand your infrastructure strategically, ensuring efficient resource allocation and seamless operations.

Download OpUtils 30-day free trial today and explore its features on your own. Or schedule a personalized demo, and we’ll connect you with the right technical expert.





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