Steps to Update SNMP in NetFlow Analyzer version 12 and above

Steps to Update SNMP in NetFlow Analyzer version 12 and above

NetFlow Analyzer get the Device Name, Interface Name and Interface speed with SNMP configured on the device. We uses Read-only SNMP community configured in the device. You have to do SNMP update for devices in NetFlow Analyzer UI to get the correct names and speed updated.


To do SNMP update first you have to Create SNMP Credentials and then do SNMP update


Add SNMP Credentials:


Navigate to Settings -> Discovery -> Credentials -> Monitoring -> Add Credentials:


Add Credentials Details:

NetFlow Analyzer support Below SNMP formats:



SNMP v2/ v2c


Select the required option and enter the details accordingly.

Set the SNMP Time Out(sec) to 30 and SNMP Retries to 5.

Once entered all the details hit Save to save the settings.


Update SNMP credentials for Devices: ( If using NetFlow plugin for OpManager please substitute Inventory in the below navigation to Network -> Flow Analysis


Navigate to  Inventory Tab -> Devices, Click on the Device for which you need to update the SNMP and in the Device Sanpshot page the view -> Click on the  icon -> "Associate SNMP Credentials"

Select the Correct SNMP Credential that you have Configured on the Device and Click Test and Asscoiate -> If it is successful Click OK to update the SNMP.


Note : You can apply the credentials in bulk for All Devices from the Inventory -> Devices -> select all Devices -> Click on the Options Icon on the right top and click on "Associate SNMP Credentials".

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