Steps to troubleshoot when no data is available for Node.Js applications.

Steps to troubleshoot when no data is available for Node.Js applications.

After adding APM Insight Node.Js agent, if you find no data available in the APM Insight Node.Js Application monitor, it could be because of probable reasons like network issues or zero traffic in your application. Kindly read through the below given instructions to troubleshoot.

APM Instance is UP but no data is available
There is no traffic for your application.
Perform some transactions and check again in a couple of minutes

Your application might be using some unsupported components or frameworks.
Kindly check the list of supported components and frameworks. If you are using an unsupported component, drop a word at

Your application might be using an unsupported database.
Kindly check the list of supported databases.If you are using an unsupported database, drop a word at

Your application might be using an unsupported Application server.
Kindly check the list of supported Application servers.If you are using an unsupported Application server, drop a word at
APM instance is in DOWN state and no data is available
Network issues - your application server is behind a proxy.
If your application server is behind the proxy, provide the proxy information in apminsightnode.json file.
Make sure you have configured appropriate proxy settings in Applications Manager.
Restart your application and perform some transactions.


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