PGSQL – DUMP – Backup Procedure :
1. Start the application
To take Postgres (Psql) Dump :
3. Open a command prompt and navigate into <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>/pgsql/bin directory.
4. Execute -> pg_dump -U {user-name} {source_db} -f {dumpfilename.sql}
Using the above step if the dump is not created, then try the below,
pg_dump -U postgres -h -p 65432 servicedesk > test.sql
This will create a file named “test,sql” <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>/pgsql/bin.
Take a Copy of this file.
To restore :
1. Install the application in a different machine
2. Start and shut down the application once.
Paste the taken test.sql under <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>/pgsql/bin directory.
4. Open a command prompt and navigate into <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>/pgsql/bin directory.
psql -h localhost -p 65432 -U postgres -d servicedesk
5.Execute query \c postgres
7. create database servicedesk;
8. Execute \q or quit.
9. Now execute ->psql -U {user-name} -d {desintation_db}-f {dumpfilename.sql}
10. Once the process is completed. Execute stopdb.bat 65432
11. Run the application and check the configuration