Steps to take Configuration Backup and Restore Configuration Backup

Steps to take Configuration Backup and Restore Configuration Backup

Follow the below steps to take the configuration backup:

1. Stop the NetFlow Analyzer Service.

2. Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to NetFlow_Home/troubleshooting/ and execute for Linux and backupConfig.bat for Windows file to take configuration backup.

3. This will create a backup data file named BackupConfig_NFA_ .data under NetFlow/backup folder.

Steps to restore:

1. Install the same version of NetFlow Analyzer and start/stop the service once.

4. Copy the backup folder from the NetFlow_Home directory from the old server to the new server.

5. To restore the configuration please stop the NetFlow Service and

6. Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to NetFlow_Home/troubleshooting/ and execute restoreConfig.bat for Windows and for Linux file.

7. Once Completed please start the NetFlow Analyzer service.

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