Steps to Reduce the DISC SPACE for NetFlow Analyzer ( rawCleanup )

Steps to Reduce the DISC SPACE for NetFlow Analyzer ( rawCleanup )

Please follow the below steps to reduce the Disc space storage in NetFlow Analyzer:

1. Stop NetFlow Analyzer service.

2. Open command prompt as administrator and navigate to NetFlow_Home/troubleshooting

3. Execute rawCleanup.bat and wait until the process completes.

4. Exclude complete NetFlow_Home directory from any antivirus scan or automatic backup application running in the server.

5. Tune NetFlow Analyzer as mentioned in the below link:

For Mysql :

For Postgres:
6. Start the NetFlow Analyzer service and navigate to Admin--> Storage Settings --> Raw Data Settings and select Retain Raw Data to the lowest time period and check on the issue.

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