Steps to fix the issue with User creation in NCM11

Steps to fix the issue with User creation in NCM11

Note: The steps will only work over the NCM build 11000

1. Open Command prompt as Administrator and navigate to NCM_Home/pgsql/bin

2. Enter below to connect to the database:

For Windows    :   psql -U postgres -p 13310 -h -d netflow
For Linux        :   ./psql -U postgres -p 13310 -S ../tmp/ -h -d netflow

3. To know if there is an stray entry of any deleted user is available in the database please execute the below query:

select * from Users_TZone;

Please note down the user entries that are duplicated.

4. Execute the below query to delete the duplicated entries:

delete from Users_TZone where name='<name>';

5. Once deleted enter \q to exit the database.

6. Stop the NCM service.

7. Download the below patch file to avoid the issue in future:

The files link contains AdvNCM.jar

8. Please backup the existing AdvNCM.jar to a safe location from NCM_Home/lib.

Replace the downloaded AdvNCM.jar file under NCM_Home/lib.

10. Start NCM service.

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