Steps to Enable Telnet and RDP options in Browsers to use with Opmanager

Steps to Enable Telnet and RDP options in Browsers to use with Opmanager

Steps to Enable Telnet and RDP options in Browsers to use with OpManager

Enabling Telnet and RDP protocols in browsers:

There are some prerequisites that needs to be met based on the browsers you use to work with Remote Desktop and Telnet tools. Follow the steps given below for the relevant browsers and OS versions:

Browser use built -in Telnet Client.

By default, telnet client is diabled in widows Vista,windows 2008 and windows 7.

Enable Telnet client in Windows 2008:

1.Open Server Manager by clicking Start > Server Manager, or by using the My Computer context menu.

2.From the left panel in Server Manager, click on Features.

3.Click on Add Features.

4.From the available list of features, scroll down and select Telnet Client, then click Next.

5.On the Confirmation page, click on Install.

6.Installation of the selected feature will be initialized and started. Once installation is completed, click on Close.

Enable Telnet client in Windows Vista and Windows 7:

1. Go to Control Panel

2. Point to Programs And Features

3. Click Turn Windows features on or off

4. Check Telnet Client

5. Hit OK

After enabling Telnet Client check and add Registry For Protocol:

1. Click Start -> Run. The Run dialog box opens.

2. Enter 'Regedit' command and click OK. The Registry Editor opens.

3. Go to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl

4. Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl,


5. Add a DWORD value named iexplore.exe and set the value to 0 (decimal).

6. Go to the following key:

check the default path is mentioned or not. If not set values for Default .

7.Right click on Default and click on modify and give the value

"C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\url.dll",TelnetProtocolHandler %l

This will be defult path for telnet. If you have different path for rundll32.exe give that name.

8. Close the Registry Editor and restart Microsoft Internet Explorer

For 64bit IE follow below steps:

1. Copy the 64 bit version of telnet.exe from %windir%\System32 to %windir%\SysWOW64

2.Add the following registry key for the 32 bit version of IE

3.Open Regedit.exe and navigate to the following registry key:



Select New and DWORD (32-bit) Value from the menu.

5. In the right pane, name the new value iexplore.exe

6.Verify that the value for iexplore.exe is 0x00000000 and then close regedit.exe.

7.Copy %windir%\system32\en-US\telnet.exe.mui to %windir%\SysWOW64\en-US

8. Restart the Microsoft Internet Explorer and check for Telnet Url.


Telnet in Firefox (Linux installations):

1. Type about:config in address bar.

2. Add in the preference name.

(telnet is the name given the address bar - eg. telnet:hostname)

3. It will prompt for string value. Give the location of the script which you are going to execute.


4. Add the below given script (as in that location.


address=`echo $1 | cut -d : -f 2`

konsole -e telnet ${address}


RDP in IE (Windows installations):

1. Goto Tools->Internet options->security.

2. Click on Custom level and enable the following ActiveX Controls and plug-ins under security settings pop up.

* Download signed ActiveX-controls

* Initialize and script ActiveX controls

* Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins

* Script ActiveX controls.

3. Click ok button.

4. Restart the browser.

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