Steps to configure AWS RDS database as Applications Manager's back-end

Steps to configure AWS RDS database as Applications Manager's back-end

Browse through the following topics to configure AWS RDS as a database backend in Applications Manager:

Note: Make sure to verify the DB permissions required to run Applications Manager. Learn more

Steps to configure AWS RDS - PostgreSQL database

The following steps are to connect to the AWS RDS PostgreSQL database as a backend in Applications Manager which is installed in an AWS EC2 Instance and is in the same network (AWS VPC):
  1. Install Applications Manager in an AWS EC2 Instance with bundled PostgreSQL backend. 
  2. Note: Unselect the Launch option in the Installation setup after choosing bundled PostgreSQL as the backend. This step is to avoid creating all the Applications Manager-related tables in the bundled PostgreSQL DB.
  3. Now create an RDS Instance with the PostgreSQL engine. 
    1. Engine type: PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL
    2. Recommended versionRefer here
      Note: Make sure that the DB port 5432 is open to make the necessary connection to it from the Applications Manager server.
  4. Get the following information from the database to connect to it:
    1. RDS Instance Endpoint [HostName]
    2. DB port
    3. DB username
    4. DB password
  5. Now go to Applications Manager installed EC2 server and change the database from the bundled PostgreSQL to the RDS Instance' PostgreSQL database by implementing the following steps:
    1. Edit the file located under <Installation Directory>/Appmanager<version>/conf/ directory and change the value for am.db.port key, if required.
      1. Replace am.dbport.check=true with am.dbport.check=false.
      2. Replace am.db.port=15432 with am.db.port=<RDS_port>.
    2. Edit database_params.conf file located under <Installation Directory>/Appmanager<version>/working/conf/ directory and implement the following steps:
      1. Change the host and port details as below: 
        url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15433/amdb?dontTrackOpenResources=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8

        url jdbc:postgresql://RDSInstanceEndpoint:Port/amdb?dontTrackOpenResources=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
      2. Change the DB Username from username postgres AppModules to username <RDSDBUserName> AppModules
      3. Change the DB password by removing the encrypted part in the below line and also modify the password from encryptedpassword appmanager AppModules to password <dbpassword> AppModules
  6. Copy the file database_params.conf from step 4 and replace it under <Installation Directory>/Appmanager<version>/working/conf/ directory.
  7. Now start the Applications Manager server.

Steps to configure AWS RDS - MS SQL database

The following steps are to connect to AWS RDS MS SQL database as a backend in Applications Manager which is installed in an AWS EC2 Instance and is in the same network (AWS VPC):
  1. Create a RDS Instance with MS SQL engine.
    Note: Make sure that the DB port 1433 is open to make necessary connection to it from Applications Manager server.
  2. Get the following information from the database to connect to it:
    1. RDS Instance Endpoint [HostName] - Example:
    2. DB port
    3. DB username
    4. DB password
  3. Install Applications Manager by choosing MS SQL database in the installation setup and enter the above information to get connected to the MS SQL database of AWS RDS instance.
  4. Now start the Applications Manager server.

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