Steps for deleting/modifying the reports created by other techs:

Steps for deleting/modifying the reports created by other techs:

Steps for deleting/modifying the reports created by other techs:

Connect to your database 

To connect to your database please refer

Execute the below query which will give you the details of custom reports which are created and saved by other support reps

 SELECT * FROM customreport_details WHERE ownerid!='-1';

From the above query take a copy of the reports that you want to modify/delete and make note of the "userID"

To find the userID of the support reps run the below query

 Select * from aaauser;

After you get the USERID now execute the below query to change the ownerid 

 Update customreport_details set ownerid= newownerid where ownerid= oldownerid;

Then the new owner can login and modify/delete the report.

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