Steps to import Archived Request

Steps to import Archived Request into Analytics Plus

By default, we don't import archived request details into Analytics Plus but we are working on a model to import these details out of the box and will be available in one of our future builds.

Meanwhile, please follow the below text instructions

Step 1:

Open ServiceDesk Plus database in Analytics Plus, click on Create New and choose New Table / Import Data.

Step 2:

Click on Local and Cloud Databases.

Step 3:

Fill the database server details for the connection in the following section and click Next. (In this case, we have chosen Postgres as an example)

Step 4:

Choose Custom Query (radio button) and paste the custom query(from attachment) inside the query editor.

Step 5:

Type the table name as (Archived Request_localDB) and choose the proper datatypes for the columns in the preview. Click Next to proceed.

Step 6:

Schedule the import and click create to complete the import

Note: You can create a query table in Analytics Plus as outlined in this link to join Requests and Archived Requests

Here is the query
SELECT "RequestID","Subject","Created Time","Requester","Resolved Time","Completed Time","Responded Time","Time Elapsed","Category","Department","DueBy Time","Group","Impact","Level","Mode","Overdue Status","Priority","ReOpened","Request Status","Service Category","Service Request","SLA","Urgency","Workstation" FROM Request 
SELECT "RequestID","Subject","Created Time","Requester","Resolved Time","Completed Time","Responded Time","Time Elapsed","Category","Department","DueBy Time","Group","Impact","Level","Mode","Overdue Status","Priority","ReOpened","Request Status","Service Category","Service Request","SLA","Urgency","Workstation" FROM "Archived Request"
  • This will sum up Request and Archived Request into the same table. So you can combinedly create reports on Request and Archived Request

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