SQL Backup permission post 10.6 Upgrade.

SQL Backup permission post 10.6 Upgrade.

Error on the logs:

[20:00:50:193]|[04-25-2022]|[com.adventnet.taskengine.backup.DbBackupTask]|[INFO]|[124]: BackupStatus updated in DB :: <BackupStatus backup_id=1806 backupType="FULL_BACKUP" backup_folder="D:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\backup\backup_mssql_10600_database_04_25_2022_20_00" backup_zipname="FullBackup_20220425200000_mssql_10600_ScheduledBackup_part_1.ezip" backup_starttime="2022-04-25 20:00:00.819" backup_endtime="1970-01-01 03:59:59.999" backup_status="BACKUP_PROCESS_FAILED" dataFileCount="0" lastDataFileName="null" lastDataFileModifiedTime="-1" fileNames="null"/>|
[20:00:50:193]|[04-25-2022]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[124]: com.adventnet.db.adapter.BackupRestoreException: B0BP09: Problem while executing command.|
[20:00:50:193]|[04-25-2022]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[124]: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.|

Root Cause :

1) Looks like the account used in ServiceDesk plus to connect to SQL DB does not have the CREATE DATABASE permission.

2) Please make sure the account used in SQL DB has
      a) DBcreator
      b) Sysadmin
      c) Public
roles given.

Once the roles are updated you can try the backup

3) In case you want to know the account name on the ServiceDesk plus server open the command prompt as admin and navigate

      Drive/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/bin > ChangeDBserver.bat

Here you will notice the account used so that you can check the roles and permissions and update accordingly.

This permission alert will be shown when the upgrade is perfomed to 10.6.

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