Specific Software

Specific Software

SELECT ( softl.softwarename )           "Software Name", 
       Max(workstation.workstationname) "Workstation", 
       Max(workstation.model)           "Model", 
       Max(aaauser.first_name)          "User", 
       Max(deptDef.deptname)            "Department", 
       Max(workstation.loggeduser)      "Last Logged In User", 
       Max(dominf.domainname)           "Domain Name", 
         WHEN Max(Cast(compDefLaptop.islaptop AS VARCHAR(5))) = 1 THEN 'Laptop' 
         ELSE 'Desktop' 
       END                              "Desktop /Laptopn" FROM   systeminfo workstation 
       LEFT JOIN resources resource 
              ON workstation.workstationid = resource.resourceid 
       LEFT JOIN componentdefinition product 
              ON resource.componentid = product.componentid 
       LEFT JOIN componentdefinitionlaptop compDefLaptop 
              ON product.componentid = compDefLaptop.componentid 
       LEFT JOIN resourceowner rOwner 
              ON resource.resourceid = rOwner.resourceid 
       LEFT JOIN resourceassociation rToAsset 
              ON rOwner.resourceownerid = rToAsset.resourceownerid 
       LEFT JOIN sduser sdUser 
              ON rOwner.userid = sduser.userid 
       LEFT JOIN aaauser aaaUser 
              ON sduser.userid = aaauser.user_id 
       LEFT JOIN departmentdefinition deptDef 
              ON rOwner.deptid = deptDef.deptid 
       LEFT JOIN systeminfodomain sysInfod 
              ON workstation.workstationid = sysInfod.workstationid 
       LEFT JOIN domaininfo dominf 
              ON sysInfod.domainid = dominf.domainid 
       LEFT JOIN softwareinfo swi 
              ON workstation.workstationid = swi.workstationid 
       LEFT JOIN softwarelist softl 
              ON swi.softwareid = softl.softwareid 
WHERE  softl.softwarename LIKE '%MICROSOFT%' 
GROUP  BY workstation.workstationid, 

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