Solution Export

Solution Export

SELECT solution.solutionid "Solutionid", KB_Topics.TOPICNAME "Topic", Solution.TITLE "Subject", Solution.DESCRIPTION "Contents", solutioninfo.noofhits "View(s)", Creator.FIRST_NAME "Created By", longtodate(SolutionInfo.CREATEDTIME) "Created Time", Updater.FIRST_NAME "Last Modified By", longtodate(SolutionInfo.LASTUPDATEDTIME) "Last Modified Time", solutioninfo.ispublic "Is Public", owner.FIRST_NAME "Solution Owner", Sol_StatusDefinition.STATUSNAME "Status" FROM Solution INNER JOIN SolutionInfo ON Solution.SOLUTIONID=SolutionInfo.SOLUTIONID LEFT JOIN KB_Topics ON Solution.TOPICID=KB_Topics.TOPICID LEFT JOIN AaaUser Updater ON SolutionInfo.LASTUPDATEDBY=Updater.USER_ID LEFT JOIN AaaUser Creator ON SolutionInfo.CREATEDBY=Creator.USER_ID LEFT JOIN Solution_Keywords ON Solution.SOLUTIONID=Solution_Keywords.SOLUTIONID LEFT JOIN solutionownerdefinition solown ON solown.solutionid=solution.solutionid LEFT JOIN aaauser owner on owner.user_id=solown.ownerid LEFT JOIN Sol_StatusDefinition ON Solution.STATUSID=Sol_StatusDefinition.STATUSID

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