Software Compliance Report

Software Compliance Report

Number of products out of compliance

select swct.compliancetype "Compliance Type",count(swcd.softwareid) "Number of Products" from SWComplianceDetails swcd left join swcompliancetype swct on swcd.swcompliancetypeid=swct.swcompliancetypeid where swct.compliancetype='Under Licensed' group by swct.compliancetype 

Number of products over licensed

select swct.compliancetype "Compliance Type",count(swcd.softwareid) "Number of Products" from SWComplianceDetails swcd left join swcompliancetype swct on swcd.swcompliancetypeid=swct.swcompliancetypeid where swct.compliancetype='Over Licensed' group by swct.compliancetype 

Number of vendors out of compliance

select swct.compliancetype "Compliance Type",count(distinct swm.swmanufacturerid) "Number of Vendors" from SWComplianceDetails swcd left join swcompliancetype swct on swcd.swcompliancetypeid=swct.swcompliancetypeid left join softwarelist sl on sl.softwareid=swcd.softwareid left join softwaremanufacturer swm on sl.swmanufacturerid=swm.swmanufacturerid where swct.compliancetype='Under Licensed' group by swct.compliancetype

Number of vendors over licensed

select swct.compliancetype "Compliance Type",count(distinct swm.swmanufacturerid) "Number of Vendors" from SWComplianceDetails swcd left join swcompliancetype swct on swcd.swcompliancetypeid=swct.swcompliancetypeid left join softwarelist sl on sl.softwareid=swcd.softwareid left join softwaremanufacturer swm on sl.swmanufacturerid=swm.swmanufacturerid where swct.compliancetype='Over Licensed' group by swct.compliancetype

Spend on Over Licensing (Note: Only if Cost data is available in the license, this report will be useful).

select sl.softwarename "Product",sum(rsc.cost) "Total Cost",(sum(rsc.cost)/swcd.purchased) "Unit Cost",(sum(rsc.cost)/swcd.purchased)*swcd.available "Spend on Over Licensing" from softwarelicenses slc left join resources rs on slc.resourceid=rs.resourceid left join componentdefinition cd on rs.componentid=cd.componentid left join componentdefinitionsoftware cds on cds.componentid=cd.componentid left join resourcecost rsc on rsc.resourceid=rs.resourceid left join softwarelist sl on sl.softwareid=cds.softwareid left join swcompliancedetails swcd on swcd.softwareid=sl.softwareid where rsc.cost!='0.00' and swcd.swcompliancetypeid=3 group by sl.softwarename,swcd.purchased,swcd.available

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