SNMP Test using Free Mib Browser tool for Windows

Please find the steps to Test SNMP if the SNMP update not working :

RDP to the server where the Application is installed and follow the steps:

1. Open command prompt as Administrator ( Right Click on CMD -> Run As Administrator ).
2. Navigate to OpManager_Home\bin and execute MibBrowser.bat
3. This will open the MibBrowser tool as below:

4. By Default RFC1213 Mib will be selected to query, you can Load the Mib that you want to query click clicking on File -> Load Mib:

5. Expand the tool and follow the below to test:

A) To perform the Test for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c:

1. Please click on the Edit -> Setting and here you will find the option to select the SNMP version with which you want to perform the test:

By Default V1 will be selected.

2. Select the Version and Click on OK at the bottom and in the next view, enter the Device IP and the SNMP community that you have configured:

3. Select the Common OID like IfDescr and click on Get Icon   on the top to check if you are getting output or not.
If you get the valid output that means that the SNMP response from the device is working fine, else you need to check the connection or SNMP configuration.

A) To perform the Test for SNMPv3 :

1. Please click on the Edit -> Setting and here you will find the option to select the SNMP version as v3 (2).
3. Click on Add at the bottom to provide the configured SNMP v3 details.
4. In the Popup, Provide the IP address of the device and all the SNMP v3 details that is configured.
5. Click on Apply.
6. Click on Save and the Click OK.

Once done, Select the required OID that you like to query and click on the GET icon  to check on the result.
If you get the valid output that means that the SNMP response from the device is working fine, else you need to check the connection or SNMP configuration on the device.

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