Setup Applications Manager as Service in Ubuntu 16 and above

Setup Applications Manager as Service in Ubuntu 16 and above

From v16140 : Support to install and start Applications Manager as a wrapper service in Linux platforms is provided within the product. For more information, see Starting Applications Manager as a Linux Service.

Follow the steps mentioned below to install AppManager as a service on a Linux box.
  1. Copy the attached AppManagerLinuxService file to /etc/init.d directory as the file "AppManager"
  2. Edit the MDIR variable in this file (in two locations) which should point to the Home folder of AppManager Installation directory. Typically, the default installation folder on a Linux box will be /opt/ME/AppManager15. Hence the value for MDIR will be,
    1. MDIR=/opt/ME/AppManager15
  3. Provide executable permissions for this script using "chmod 755 /etc/init.d/AppManager"
  4. Add "AppManager" as a service using the command "update-rc.d AppManager defaults"
Follow below steps to make AppManager start automatically on machine reboot or restart
  1. Download the attached AppManager.service file and place it under /etc/systemd/system/ directory
  2. Provide executable permission for AppManager.service file using "sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/AppManager.service"
  3. Run below command to enable AppManager.service
    1. sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/AppManager.service
  4. Enabling the service will start AppManager only on machine restart. For immediate startup run the start command 
    1. sudo systemctl start AppManager.service
  5. For stopping the service use below command
    1. sudo systemctl stop AppManager.service
Note: After enabling the service, AppManager will start automatically on machine reboot or restart

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