To set user-level permission to a non-admin account to fetch Services from a remote Windows Server, follow the steps given below:
1. Log into the remote Windows Machine with the non-admin account user credentials.
2. Open command prompt in Administrator mode, from C:\WINDOWS\system32> path and execute the below command. Then, take note of the SID of the username in a notepad.

wmic useraccount where name="UserName" get name,sid

NOTE: Please ensure that you replace the UserName with the user name for the Non-Admin User account.
3. Logout and login to the remote Windows Server as default Administrator. Open command prompt in Administrator mode and execute the below command. Cross-check if the SID matches with the one that you have made note of earlier.

wmic useraccount where name="UserName" get name,sid
NOTE: Please ensure that you replace the UserName with the user name for the Non-Admin User account.4. Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32> and execute the below command:

sc sdshow scmanager > CurrentSDDL.txt
A text file called CurrentSDDL.txt will be created. You can take a backup of this file which will be available under the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.
5. Open the CurrentSDDL.txt file and check if it is in the SDDL format.
Eg. It might look like this:
6. Copy the SDDL contents of the file into a notepad.
7. To create a new SDDL snippet for the SID of the non-Admin account, use the following format where you have to replace the SID of the user.
(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;<SID of User>)
Eg: (A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;S-1-0-10-200000-30000000000-4000000000-500)
8: Place this snippet in the CurrentSDDL.txt file before "S:".
The updated SDDL will look like this:
9. To set user-level permission, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32> in command prompt as administrator, and run the below command with the updated SDDL:

sc sdset scmanager <D:(A;;CC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;SU)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY)(A;;KA;;;BA)(A;;CC;;;AC)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;S-1-0-10-200000-30000000000-4000000000-500)S:(AU;FA;KA;;;WD)(AU;OIIOFA;GA;;;WD)>
where you can replace the contents within <> with the updated SDDL.
10. Once the command is executed completely in the Applications Manager installed machine, connect to the remote Windows Server via Wbemtest using the non-admin user account for which you just set user-level permissions.
11. Click on the Query button in the Wbemtest tool and execute the below command and check if output is received

select * from win32_service
12. Once the data is available for the above query, please go to AppManager and check if Services are listed for Windows Server Monitor.