Set Change Requester's reporting_to user as Change Approver

Set Change Requester's reporting_to user as Change Approver

When a Change Request is submitted, Change requester's reporting to manager has to be set as Change Approver.

Steps to follow:
  1. Goto Admin > Developer Space > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment  Global_function_4.txt  and save it with a name.
  2. Update the URL and integration key in the script. 
    1. You can get the integration key under Admin > Integrations > Integration Key > New
    2. Please use an integration key with admin privilege, as there wont be any role related permission issues. 

    3. Update the integration key in the global function.

    4. Incase of older builds you can use the techniciankey with admin privilege.
  3. Go to Admin > Developer Space > Change Custom Functions. Create a new function.
    1. Refer to the attached script. (setChangeApprover.txt.)
    2. Update the global function count in the script as per your instance.

  4. Configure Change custom trigger to get executed on every change request being created.

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