Service Now Event Integration using Webhook / Rest API Action

Service Now Event Integration using Webhook / Rest API Action

Steps to perform in Service Now

1) Login to your ServiceNow Instance(dev*****
2) Search for the Rest API Explorer and open it
3) In the Rest API Explorer page choose the Namespace and API Name with the proper API version. For example, I have selected the below.

4) Under the Request Body, add the required parameters for the API, and the JSON payload for the added fields will be constructed automatically.

Steps to configure Service Now event in Applications Manager

1) Login to Applications Manager with Admin users credentials
2) Go to the Admin tab. Click Actions -> Create Webhook/Rest API Action
3) Please copy paste the Http URL displayed in the Service Now Rest API Explorer page to the Rest API Actions page in APM. Please make sure all the values in the URL's are replaced.
4) Choose POST for Form Submission Method and Payload Type as JSON.
5) Copy paste the JSON values displayed in the Service Now Rest API Explorer page to the Rest API Actions page in APM.
Sample JSON : 
{ "records":
6) For the Request Headers field use below two headers
            Accept       application/json
            Content-Type       application/json
7) Choose Authentication Method as Basic/NTLM and provide valid Username and Password.

If you face any issue, please reach out to our support with the screenshot of the error obtained to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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