secured mail fetching (Office365 PKIX error)

secured mail fetching (Office365 PKIX error)

1. Download the file from the below attachment and extract  the gencert.bat file to the ManageEngine\\SupportCenter directory.

After extraction you should see the below files under 

gencert.bat under ManageEngine\\SupportCenter
Cert.jar should be under ManageEngine\\SupportCenter\\lib directory.

2.Connect to the commandprompt and goto ManageEngine\\SupportCenter and run the batch file with following format:

C:>ManageEngine\\SupportCenter>gencert.bat exchangeservername:portnumber

3. Running the command You would receive an exception PKIX,and then it would ask to enter a value and then provide value 1 which will generate a file called jssecacerts under ManageEngine\\SupportCenter

4. Copy the jssecacerts file under ManageEngine\\SupportCenter\\jre\\lib\\security folder and then restart the SupportCenter plus application.

5. Make sure the Mail Server Settings is configured correctly,start the fetching and check if it works fine.


1. Download the attachment and extract in ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter directory.

After extraction you should find the below files., under  ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter
    Cert.jar should be under  ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter/lib directory.

2.Connect to the console and goto  ../ManageEngine/SSupportCenter and execute the command line with the below syntax.

 ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter]#sh exchangeservername:portnumber

Example:../ManageEngine/SupportCenter]#sh 995

3. When you run the command You would receive an exception PKIX,and then it would ask to enter a value, enter '1', it will generate a file named 'jssecacerts' under ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter.

4. Move the 'jssecacerts' to the location  ../ManageEngine/SupportCenter/jre/lib/security folder and then restart the SupportCenter Plus.

5. Now, save the Incoming mail server settings and start fetching.

In Linux, if you receive the below error, perform the following steps:

1. Remove the and cert.jar files that were previously placed.

2. From the, place the cert.jar file under Manageengine/SupportCenter folder.

3. Extract all the contents of cert.jar and make sure that all the extracted files InstallCert.Class, and InstallCert$SavingTrustManager.class are present under the same  Manageengine/SupportCenter folder

4. In the terminal run the below command from Manageengine/SupportCenter directory:

java InstallCert <host_name>:<port> 

5. Now move the generated jssecacerts file to jre/lib/security and restart the server

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