SDP OnDemand Integration - Duplicate Request in multiple OnDemand instances

SDP OnDemand Integration - Duplicate Request in multiple OnDemand instances

Move Requests from SDP OP to SDP OD.

Steps to configure:
  1. Download and move the attachment content to <SDP_Home>\integration\custom_scripts
  2. In Configuration.json
    1. Update the URL and integration key in the script. 
    1. You can get the integration key under Admin > Integrations > Integration Key > New
    2. Please use an integration key with admin privilege, as there wont be any role related permission issues. 

  3. In configuration_SDPOD.json:
    1. Update client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token in the json
    2. Follow:
  4. In ChildJsonOD.json:
    1. This file has the name of the OnPrem request template of the request and the list of child requests to be created. The script matches the template's name received from the parent request against the name in the JSON file and creates child requests in OD accordingly. 
    2. Depending on the OD instance, we can configure multiple ChildJsons.
    3. In my assumption, I have used two OD instance; ChildJsonOD1.json, ChildJsonOD2.json
  5. In OP_ODIntegration:
    1. Update the portal id and url of the OD instances.
    2. Modify the below as per your instance.

    3. Depending on the ChildJson file that is passed, respective portalid and url will be used to create request in OD.
  6. This can be configured as a custom trigger or custom menu as per our convenience.
  7. Request Custom Menu:
    1. For OD Instance1:                 

    2. For OD Instance2:                 
  8. Invoking command: 
    1. For OD instance1: py $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE ChildJsonOD1.json
    2. For OD instance2: py $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE ChildJsonOD2.json

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