Delhivery Integration (Plug-in mode)

Delhivery Integration (Plug-in mode)

Requirement:  Delhivery Integration

1. Create an order
2. Track order
3. Cancel order
4. Print packing slip

Steps to be followed

1. Download the attached zip and exact it
2. Move,,, files to sdp_home/integration/custom_scripts folder
3. Move Delhivery_Configuration.json to sdp_home/integration/custom_scripts folder
4. Move order_resource.html, packingslip.html files to sdp_home/integration/resources folder

Creating an Additional field in SDP

1. In order to store the order id (Waybill number) in the template we need to create a new additional field in SDP
2. Go to Admin --> Incident - Additional Fields --> Create an additional field as shown below and note down the API Field Name for the created field

3. Add the created additional field in the template

4. Edit Delhivery_Configuration.json (sdp_home/integration/conf folder) and update the token and udf_api_field values (udf_api_field value is the API Field name of the additional field that created in the previous step)

1. Create an order

1. Go to Admin --> Request Custom menu and create a new menu as shown below

2. Once the Custom menu is created it will be displayed under the Request details page --> Custom Actions

3. Click on the menu a form will be loaded, Fill the details and click on submit

4. A new order will be created and order-id will be updated in the request additional field value and a note will be added as shown below

5. In case if the order is not created failure message will be displayed as shown below

2. Track order

1. Go to Admin --> Request Custom menu and create a new menu as shown below

2. Once the Custom menu is created it will be displayed under the Request details page --> Custom Actions

3. Click on the menu and the tracking details will be displayed as shown below

3. Cancel order

1. Go to Admin --> Request Custom menu and create a new menu as shown below

2. Once the Custom menu is created it will be displayed under the Request details page --> Custom Actions

3. Click on the menu and cancel order information will be displayed as shown below

4. Packing slip

1. Go to Admin --> Request Custom menu and create a new menu as shown below

2. Once the Custom menu is created it will be displayed under the Request details page --> Custom Actions

3. Click on the menu packing slip details will be loaded, use print option for printing the same

A short guide on setting up python is available here.

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