Scripts to update request status when a new reply is received.

Scripts to update request status when a new reply is received.

Please do refer to the below steps to change the status when a Contact sends a new reply to the ticket.  

1. Download the script files from the below link and extract them and place it under..\ManageEngine\SupportCenter\integration\custom_scripts - folder. 

2.  Edit the following details on the script  

- configuration.json:        Update the technician key & URL

-  Configure the custom status you would like to set upon the trigger. 

3. Under Admin>Custom Trigger use the below criteria  

Replace the On-hold with the custom status and save the trigger and test the case.  

In case you want to reopen the ticket if a ticket is in resolved status.  In the 3rd point, set criteria as Resolved and change the script also with status resolved and then 

4. Goto Admin -> Self-Service Portal Settings -> and Set Yes for  Allow Contacts to reopen their own requests?

Now check the case by sending a reply and it should update the status accordingly.

PS: Initially if you do not see the status change please try it in a private window.  

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