Script to update the description field with selective field values.

Script to update the description field with selective field values.

The sample script provided retrieves values from their respective fields and displays them below the description, making it more convenient for viewing.

Navigate to Incident Field and Form rules > On Form Submit 

Modify the below script as per your Requirement 

var old_description_content = $CS.getDescription();
var x = $CS.getText("CATEGORY");
var y = $CS.getText("SUBCATEGORY");
var z = $CS.getText("ITEM");
var a =$CS.getText("URGENCY");
var new_description_content = old_description_content +'<br>'+'<br>'+ '-------------'+'<br>'+'Subcategory: ' + x + '<br>' +  'Category: ' + y + '<br>' + 'Item: ' + z +  '<br>' +  'Urgency: ' + a;

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