Script to send notifications to project owner and other users regarding the project closure.

Script to send notifications to project owner and other users regarding the project closure.

Tested in Latest Build: 14306
Use case: While closing a project in addition to the project owner other users who are not involved in the project can be notified using the below attached Script. 

Please follow the below steps to achieve the above:

1. Download the attached script.  
2. Navigate to Admin >> Developer Space >> Custom Function >> Project >> Copy & paste the content from the attachment downloaded (SendNotification.txt) and save it with a name.
Note :1. Please use the Outgoing mail server configured email address at line no :2
          2. Please provide other users required email IDs at line no :3

3. Go to Admin >> Automation >> Custom Triggers >> Project . Now Configure the created Custom function in a Project Custom trigger (Refer to the screenshot)

Save and Enable the Custom trigger to get it working.

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