Please follow the below link to setup python on the server
Steps to configure
1. Extract the attached zip file in <Home>/integration/custom_scripts
2. Update configuration.json with your outgoing mail server details, application URL, and Technician Key. You can ignore this step if there is already a configuration.json in place.
3. Uncomment "send_to" variable in file and configure "send_to" list (Can be done similarly to add CC if needed by uncommenting sent_cc).
4. Create a query report with the below query and save it
select ac.contractname, acd.org_name, ac.startdate, ac.expirydate from accountcontract ac inner join accountdefinition acd on ac.accountid=acd.org_id where ac.startdate=<from_today> and ac.isactivecontract=true
The above query will only include Contract Name, Account Name, Start Date, and Expiry Date. Fields can be added in select query based on requirements.
5. Under Admin >> Custom Schedule >> Create a custom schedule and configure "" python script to be executed at 1 AM every day and pass the above query report as an argument.