Script(Deluge) to send approvals based on the Picklist value selected in additional field.

Script(Deluge) to send approvals based on the Picklist value selected in additional field.

From Builds: 10605 

Please follow the steps below on how to configure and send approvals based on the values selected in Picklist of Additional field. 

1: Download the attached zip file.

2: Navigate to Admin>>Incident/Service catalog additional field and make a note of the Picklist additional field API Value which will be used to send the approvals.

Screenshot for your reference:


3:  Go to Admin --> Request Custom Functions --> Custom Actions --> Paste the content from the downloaded attachment file(1. add_approvals.txt ).

4:  Modify the Additional field API name in the script with the picklist API value which was noted above.

Screenshot for your reference:

5: Now we need to configure the picklist values and the email address to whom the approval should be sent in the script based on selected value.

Screenshot for your reference:


Once the values are configured in the script please save it and when the following value is selected in the picklist additional field the approval will be triggered to the email configured under it.

4: We need to configure the following custom trigger from Admin>>Custom trigger>>New

Screenshot for your reference:


In templates where the fields are added and you require this specific behavior, those templates should be added here in the custom trigger as well.

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