Script to Automatically add an Email in all responses

Script to Automatically add an Email in all responses

Using this script you can notify a user about all tickets created and their responses. The user will be automatically cc'ed in all tickets.

You Should install Python in the SDP MSP installation machine to run this script.

Post the Python installation, follow the steps below :

1. Download the attached file (
2. Paste it under \ServiceDeskPlus-Msp\integration\custom_scripts
3. Goto Incident Templates and make sure E-mail Id(s) To Notify field is associated with the template.
4. Goto Admin -> Business rules -> Add New rule -> Provide name then do the following steps.

a. Select Execute during request - As create operation -> Any time.
b. Don't provide any criteria
c. Under -> Perform these actions -> Select - Execute Script -. Choose -> Type ->  py $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE 
Save the pop-up and save the configuration.

5. Edit the file in a notepad and goto the below line and provide the needed email and save the file.

 "email_ids_to_notify": [""]
Make sure the above Email Id is associated with some requester.

Now once a request is created, E-mail Id(s) To Notify field will have the configured email and the user email will be auto-populated and the user will be notified.

PS : You need to create the business rules under needed Accounts / Sites. This will work only when the corresponding Account / Site requester raises the ticket

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