Script to automatically populate the "Line Manager" role based on the Change Requester

Script to automatically populate the "Line Manager" role based on the Change Requester

"When a Change Request is created, the Line Manager role will automatically be assigned to the user specified in the 'Reporting to' field of the particular Change Requester.

Tested in builds: 14300 and 14303.

Download the scripts attached.

Global Custom Function:

Under Admin > Global Custom Function > Custom Function > New > Paste the global_function_4_Configuration .text content and save it with a name.

Change Custom Function:

Navigate to Admin > Change Custom Function > Custom Function > New > Paste the set_ChangeRequesterReportingToUser_As_LineManager.txt content and save it with a name

Custom Trigger:

Under Admin > Custom Trigger > Change, configure a custom trigger as below,


In the Custom Trigger, invoking Condition can be modified as per your requirement.

 When a Technician raises a change request, no modification to the change role is necessary. However, when a Requester raises a change request, the Line Manager role under Change Roles must be set to 'All Users' as shown below for the custom trigger to be executed successfully."

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