Requirement : To update the request additional field with Jira escalated tickets id:
1. Create two additional fields Jira Key and Escalation Tickets.
2. In the request details page--->Custom actions--->Create jira ticket--->Notes will be added with jira ticket id
3. Now the customer will update the jira ticket id in the Jira Key additional field.
4. Again in the same request details page--->Custom actions--->Create jira ticket--->Notes will be added with jira ticket id
5. The below script will update the new jira ticket id in the jira key additional field and the old id along the new id should be updated in the Escalation tickets field.
Steps :
1.Go to Admin > Developer space --> Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment configuration.txt and save it with a name.
2. Update the URL and technician key in the script.
Refer to the below link and screenshot (attached)
3. Go to Admin -->Developer space --> Custom Functions --> Request --> Paste the content from the attachment (3. update additionalfield.txt) and save it with a name.
4. Modify the global function name and the additional field API name in the script
5. Configure Request custom trigger.