Script Monitor FAQs

Script Monitor FAQs

Common queries, errors and troubleshooting:

1. To execute scripts other than .bat /.vbs  in Windows and .sh / .bash in Linux:
It is better to execute the script in the form of a command.
Eg. To execute python script, you can use command py  (where testScript is the name of the python script)
Similarly you can use commands for other scripts like powershell, etc.  
Note: If the command given has special characters, error may occur while execution, to overcome that copy the command to a supported script (.bat/ .sh) and give that script while adding monitor. 
2. Failure in Remote Windows script: 
In order to monitor a Script in Remote Windows Server, Powershell remoting must be enabled in Remote Server. To learn more, refer to this link.                                                        
3. How to execute Powershell scripts in Windows Server: 
You can execute remote scripts via Powershell from Applications Manager server, but we don't directly support using .ps1 scripts for monitoring.
Instead follow below steps:
Eg: To execute a powershell script sample.ps1, create a new sample.bat script with the below content: 
@echo off
PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass D:\Scriptpath\sample.ps1 
You can then monitor the sample.bat file. 

4. How to execute scripts other than .sh like python or any scripts in Linux Server:  
Eg: To execute a python script, create a new script with the below content: 
python <arguments>
You can then monitor the file.       
5. Blank Page while viewing monitor details page. 
Special characters given while adding script may be the reason.
So, you can copy the command to a supported script (.vbs / .sh) file and the give add that script while adding the monitor. 

6. Script is executed successfully in CMD prompt/ terminal but is failing in Applications Manager:
  1. Check the Script file path and output file path.
  2. Check if the required environmental variables are set in path.
  3. For remote server, check if proper user permissions have been given to the script (read, write, and execute)
  4. For local server, check if the user has permission to execute the script.
  5. Start Appmanager Service as Administrator using 'Service Logon' option.
7. Script Execution Timed out error:
  1. Manually execute the script and check if the execution time is greater than the configured timeout.
  2. Check if the script require user input/user interventions like clicking ok in between the execution. If yes, Applications Manager cannot provide user input, so script will wait until the timeout occurs. 
8. Script executed successfully, but data is not seen in monitor details page: 
This is due to an issue that occurs while parsing the output.   
  1. Check the format of the output returned by the script and delimiter configured.
  2. Check if the returned output matches the configured attribute type like numeric/string.
  3. Check Table output format. Table data should exist between 
     <--table TABLENAME starts-->
    <--table TABLENAME ends-->
  4. Refer Script Output configuration and configure accordingly.
  5. Table should have one column with unique data and it should be given as Unique Column.
  6. Table data must have all the configured columns, else parsing error will occur.
  7. Avoid unnecessary space between attribute name and delimiter.
    For Eg: For a numeric attribute 'value' with delimiter as '=' 
    Correct usage: value=30
    Incorrect usage: value = 30
  8. If tabular data became invisible after any recent update in table column name/ type, try to use 'Delete Table' option and recreate the table.
9. Configured Threshold/Actions are missing: 
  1. Use appropriate "Manage Table Row" option. 
  2. Use 'Configure Alarms' option near Table data. 

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