DC Scan failed (and) Problem while discovering workstation trace due to SWUSAGEINFO table. / 'Previous scan time does not match' trace in SDPIntegration trace found in logs

DC Scan failed (and) Problem while discovering workstation trace due to SWUSAGEINFO table. / 'Previous scan time does not match' trace in SDPIntegration trace found in logs

Scan failed in UI with errors like 'Credential not configured' / 'The agent is taking longer than usual' / 'Scan has timed out' / 'Agent is not installed' (and) Problem while discovering workstation trace due to SWUSAGEINFO table.

This issue will occur while populating the Operating System Software from scan data while processing the scan data XML.

SDP Serverout logs:

[com.manageengine.servicedesk.servlet.ScanDataServlet]|[INFO]|[56]: Delta scan failed to identify sync with previous scan and is rejected for workstation: <wsname>
Problem while discovering the workstation.| com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: [SWUsageInfo] Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO SWUsageInfo (SOFTWAREINFOID,SOFTWAREUSAGETYPEID,OVERALLRUNCOUNT,OVERALLRUNTIME) VALUES (<softwareinfoid>,3,0,'-') was aborted: ERROR: insert or update on table "swusageinfo" violates foreign key constraint "swusageinfo_fk1" Detail: Key (softwareinfoid)=(896216) is not present in table "softwareinfo".


Problem while discovering the workstation.| 
com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: [SWUsageInfo] The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "SWUsageInfo_FK1". The conflict occurred in database "<dbname>", table "dbo.SoftwareInfo", column 'SOFTWAREINFOID'.
at com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccess.createDataAccessException(DataAccess.java:3689)
at com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccess.insertRows(DataAccess.java:3151)
at com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccess.add(DataAccess.java:349)
at com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccess.add(DataAccess.java:292)
at com.adventnet.persistence.interceptor.CorePersistenceInterceptor.process(CorePersistenceInterceptor.java:53)
at com.adventnet.persistence.interceptor.NotificationPersistenceInterceptor.process(NotificationPersistenceInterceptor.java:224)
at com.manageengine.mdh.QueryInterceptor.process(QueryInterceptor.java:561)
at com.adventnet.authorization.interceptor.AuthorizationInterceptor.process(AuthorizationInterceptor.java:68)
at com.adventnet.persistence.PersistenceBean.process(PersistenceBean.java:633)
at com.adventnet.persistence.PersistenceBean.update(PersistenceBean.java:361)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor86.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at com.adventnet.mfw.bean.BeanProxy.lambda$invoke$0(BeanProxy.java:51)
at com.zoho.mickey.api.DefaultCodeBlock.execute(CodeBlock.java:453)
at com.adventnet.mfw.bean.BeanProxy.invoke(BeanProxy.java:48)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy2.update(Unknown Source)
at com.adventnet.servicedesk.utils.ResourcesUtil.update(ResourcesUtil.java:604)
at com.adventnet.servicedesk.asset.util.AssetUtil.updateWorkstation(AssetUtil.java:5437)
at com.adventnet.servicedesk.asset.util.AssetUtil.handleScanData(AssetUtil.java:15415)
at com.adventnet.servicedesk.asset.discovery.NodeDiscovery.scanDevice(NodeDiscovery.java:1409)
at com.adventnet.servicedesk.asset.task.DiscoverNode.discover(DiscoverNode.java:213)
at com.manageengine.servicedesk.servlet.ScanDataServlet.populateXMLData(ScanDataServlet.java:509)
at com.manageengine.servicedesk.servlet.ScanDataServlet.scanDataProcess(ScanDataServlet.java:396)
at com.manageengine.servicedesk.servlet.ScanDataServlet.doPost(ScanDataServlet.java:100)

Trace from SdpIntegrationLog from DC logs:
Response form SDP {"response_status":{"messages":[{"statuscode":4011,"message":"Previous scan time does not match in database and delta data received. Please send full scan to make sure no data loss."}],"status":"Failed"}} ###################|

Please find the consolidated fjars for the recent issues that we face frequently from build version above AE  7000 and SDP 14300:


Issues fixed :
-> Scan failure due to USBName is empty string, sent from DC
-> EC Incompatibility header message is shown in banner, eventhough both AE/SDP and EC are compatible.
-> Scan failed due to SWUSAGEINFO trace and SWMETERINGDATA traces
-> Manually created product types not included under schedule scan
-> Schedule scan jobs should not be closed in cleanup schedule.
-> Credentials not configured error while scanning
-> Error while calculating compliance for softwares.

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