'row_count' in API input data of Zia Bot Custom Actions script is getting removed

'row_count' in API input data of Zia Bot Custom Actions script is getting removed

Below script is used in the Zia Bot custom Actions to view the last five requests of that respective user. This is achieved by setting the row_count property in the input_data's list_info property of API. But in Zia Bot client handling, this row_count property will be removed, because of which all latest requests will be shown in the list view.

  1. input_data = {
  2.     "list_info": {
  3.         "row_count": 5,
  4.         "start_index": 1,
  5.         "sort_field": "id",
  6.         "sort_order": "desc",
  7.         "search_criteria": {
  8.             "field": "requester",
  9. "value": context.get("userInfo").get("id"),
  10.             "condition": "="
  11.         }
  12.     }
  13. };
  14. response = invokeurl
  15. [

  16. url: "<URL>/api/v3/requests"

  17. type: GET
  18. parameters: {"input_data":input_data}
  19. headers: {"TECHNICIAN_KEY":"<Tech Key>"}
  20. ];

  21. return response;
The row_count will not be removed for Custom Actions showing list view as response.


-> Go to <Installation Directory>/ServiceDesk/webapps/ROOT/scripts folder.
-> Move the servicedesk.js and servicedesk_ember.js from that folder (as a Backup)
-> Download the attached files with fix and rename the file names by removing the _txt  in the file extension and move it to the same folder.
-> Now do a hard refresh and try checking the list view from Zia Bot. It show the expected data.

SDP 14.7.60 version (14760)

Modified Files:

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