1. Stop the OpManager service and wait till all java/postgres processes are closed. (If postgres process doesn't exit for a long time, do not kill the process, instead, run StopPgsql.bat from cmd and wait for the process to terminate.)
2. Navigate to the /etc/hosts [in case of linux] (or) the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts [in case of windows] file, take a backup of the same under a different location and edit it as follows: localhost opmanager-test
<Server_IP> opmanager-test.domain.com opmanager-test
Note : Here, opmanager-test is the hostname of the machine and opmanager-test.domain.com is the FQDN. Make sure that the hosts file contains only the above 2 entries.
3. Rename logs under OpManager/ folder as logs_old and create a fresh logs folder.
4. Restart the machine in which OpManager is installed and check if the behavior is updated.