Resetting passwords for technicians and requesters

Resetting passwords for technicians and requesters

In the recent builds, the formal password reset option under the login details when editing a technician or requester is not available.
Instead, To reset the passwords of users, the following methods can be used:

Applicable from build 14201 and for both technicians and requesters. 

Through email:

Kindly follow these steps:
1. Select the desired user from the list.
2. Click on "Actions."
3. Choose "Send Password Reset Link."

This sends an email to the user with the password reset link, from which the password can be changed.

Through SDAdmin UI:

1. Edit the specific user's details.
2. Click "Yes" beside the "Remove Login" option under the login details to remove the user's login.
3. Re-add the login with a new password.

Through User UI:

If the user is able to access the application, they can change their password by following these steps:
1. Click on the Profile Icon.
2. Choose "Change Password."

Through forgot password option:

>> If a user has forgotten their password, they can utilize the "Forgot Password" option on the login page to initiate a password reset.

>> Upon entering the login name on the subsequent page, a password reset link will be sent to the user through email.

Out of the above, the one option that is best suited can be chosen. 

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