Request deleted by technician

Request deleted by technician

This report is used to find the deleted request in the application. We can get the data from the Trash and system log viewer.  

SELECT err.message "System log message",
       err.errormodule "Module",
       err.suberrormodule "Sub Module",
       err.action "Action",
       err.type "Type",
       au.first_name "Performed by",
       longtodate(err.occurredtime) "Time of occurrence" FROM errorlog err
LEFT JOIN aaauser au ON err.ownerid=au.user_id
WHERE err.action LIKE '%Delete%'
  AND err.errormodule LIKE '%Request%'
  AND au.first_name IS NOT NULL
  AND occurredtime >= <from_thisweek>
  AND occurredtime <= <to_thisweek>


       CI.CINAME "Requester",

Note : Login to ServiceDesk Plus, go to Reports tab > New Query Report > Copy the query to the query editor and run the report. 

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