Remote read only access to database for Postgres customers

Remote read only access to database for Postgres customers

Use case: Frequently customers want to connect some reporting / dashboard application like PowerBI or Tableau with our Postgres database server.

By default, the bundled Postgres is configured to only listen to the local machine. We can configure to allow access from remote machine if required. 

Also, we need to create a user with  read only  permission to the servicedesk database alone.

ONLY  this user should be able to access the Postgres server from remote machines -- with a password prompt. SDP's default PG user 'sdpadmin' or PG super user 'postgres' have higher privileges in the Postgres server. These users should  NOT  be allowed access to Postgres server from remote machies.

Please find below, the steps of how this can be accomplished.

STEP 1  : Create a Postgres DB user 'sdpreadonly' with read only access to the 'servicedesk' database

For SDP 10.5 and above series,  STEP 1  can be done using the createPostgresUser.bat in ServiceDesk Plus MSP\bin directory.

a. Stop the ServiceDesk Plus application.
b. Open windows command prompt
c. Change directory to ServiceDesk\bin and invoke the createPostgresUser.bat script

C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus MSP\bin> createPostgresUser.bat -sU postgres -sp   <super-user-password>  -U dummy -p dummy123 -r readonly

PS : Contact team for  <super-user-password> details

-U dummy
-p dummy123
Above values in the command are sample user name and password. You may replace it with a new user name and password.

The option - r readonly  will make the newly created user a read only user. 

For SDP 9.4 and 10.0 series build, please follow the instructions mentioned below for  STEP 1

a. Stop the ServiceDesk Plus application.
b. Open windows command prompt
c. Change directory to ServiceDesk Plus MSP \bin and execute startDB.bat. Wait for the success message.

C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk Plus MSP \bin>startDB.bat
"C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk Plus MSP \bin\\.."
Database server successfully started...

d. Change directory to ServiceDesk Plus MSP \pgsql\bin

C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk Plus MSP \bin>cd ..\pgsql\bin

e. Execute the below command to connect to Postgres query console using PG super user (postgres). Enter the password when prompted

C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk Plus MSP \pgsql\bin>psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -h -d servicedesk
Password for user postgres:
psql (10.5)
WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
         8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
         page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
Type "help" for help.


f. Create a user with password and grant read only access to servicedesk database with following commands

servicedesk=# create user sdpreadonly;

servicedesk=# ALTER USER  sdpreadonly  with password '<your-password-here>';

servicedesk=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE servicedesk TO  sdpreadonly ;

servicedesk=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO  sdpreadonly ;

servicedesk=# GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO  sdpreadonly ;


g. Exit from Postgres query console by entering '\q'

servicedesk=# \q

 : In ServiceDesk/pgsql/ext_conf/postgres_ext.conf, add below line to end of file
In 9.4 series and 10.0 series builds this file can be found in ServiceDesk/pgsql/data/postgres_ext.conf

listen_addresses = '*'

Default value for  max_connections  in postgres_ext.conf is 50. Of this 40 can be used by SDP application (configured in ServiceDesk/conf/database_params.conf).
Since we are allowing third party application connections, this can be  increased to 60.

NOTE :  The queries from the third party application will take up resources on the production database. Badly written queries may impact the application performance.

STEP 3  : In ServiceDesk/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf, add entries for allowing access.

This can be done in two ways.

1. To allow access from any IP address, add the following line in the end of the file.

host    servicedesk     sdpreadonly               md5


2. To allow access from particular IP addresses alone, add one entry for each IP address in the format mentioned below at the end of the file.

host    servicedesk      sdpreadonly          <ip-address-1>/32               md5
host    servicedesk      sdpreadonly          <ip-address-2>/32               md5

Note  : Using (2) is more secure but requires the client machines (machines on which third party tool runs) to have static IP address.

Save and close both the files.

Once this is done, start the ServiceDesk Plus application (which will start the Postgres database).

Now user will be able to connect from remote machine or third party applications using the host (server machine ip address), port (default 65432), username (sdpreadonly), password (<your-password>)

NOTE : Although the login is restricted with username and password, the communication over the connection is NOT encrypted. This means, any user monitoring the network traffic will be able to see the query statements and query response data.

To make this secure, please use SSL encryption for Postgres server.

Refer the Postgres docs for instructions on how this can be done.

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