Redirect the solution old details page URL to the new details page URL

Redirect the solution old details page URL to the new details page URL

After revamping the solution module in build 14200, the old solution details page URL is no longer functional. To resolve this, please follow the steps below.

1. Modify "security-solutionaccess.xml"
  1. File Path : SDPHome/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/security/security-solutionaccess.xml
  2. Include the following entry in the file, refer the below image
<url roles="ViewSolutions" path="/" operation-param="submitaction" operation-value="viewsolution" method="GET" user_type="all">
<throttles window="ROLLING" scope="APPSERVER" key="url.path+url.dynamic_key" name="viewsolution" >
<throttle duration="1m" threshold="30" lock-period="5m"/>
<param name="fromListView" type="boolean" />
<param name="solutionID"  type="long" allow-empty="false" range=">=0"/>
<param name="navType" regex="n|p"  />
<param name="solID" type="long" allow-empty="false" range=">=0"/>


2. Modify "ui_routes.json"
  1. File Path : SDPHome/conf/ui_routes.json
  2. Include the following entry in the file. Ensure there are no existing entries with the name "". If such an entry exists, remove it before adding the new entry, refer the below image 
"": {
    "struts": {
        "actionClass": "com.adventnet.servicedesk.kbase.action.SolutionAction",
        "formBeanName": null,
        "scope": "request"

3. Modify web.xml
  1. File Path : SDPHome/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml
  2. Include the following entry under the WebClientServlet mapping. Ensure there are no existing entries similar to this before adding , refer the below image


Steps to follow
  1. Down your application.
  2. Make the above changes to the respective files. Before making changes, take a copy of these files.
  3. Download the provided OldSolutionURLRedirect.fjar from the attachment section and place it into the SDPHome/fixes folder.
  4. Restart your application.
Note : Once the application upgrade after this changes, need to do the same after the upgrade as well. This KB only works with version 14504 or higher

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