RBM - Steps to perform Test Playback

RBM - Steps to perform Test Playback

What is Test Playback?

Applications Manager's Real Browser Monitor works based on a playback script that is created during the monitor creation or recording of the transactions. This playback script will contain Locators to locate the HTML elements on the webpage. These locators may be an id, name, XPath, CSS, etc. that is unique and point to a particular HTML element in the webpage. Out of these locators Playback script will have one best locator as Primary Locator and others being saved for reference. Read more about locators.

Now, during the actual data collection RBM will use only the 'Primary Locator' to locate the particular HTML element. If, for some reason, that primary locator is not working anymore or a better locator is to be chosen, then we can go for Test Playback.

During Test Playback, Applications Manager will actually try with different locators that are already available in the Playback Script and find the best possible locators for each HTML element. Those locators will be updated in the playback script and will be used for further data collections.

Steps to perform Test Playback

  1. Visit the monitor details page of corresponding Real Browser Monitor.
  2. Choose "Monitor Actions" -> "Edit Playback Script" option. Find the below screenshot for reference.

  3. 'Real browser script viewer' window will be opened as a pop up. Click "Test" to perform Test Playback. Find the below screenshot for reference.

  4. Applications Manager will perform smart test playback and update the script with the best possible locators.
  5. Once the test playback is completed successful, corresponding message will be shown.
  6. Click "Save" button before closing the 'Real browser script viewer' window.

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