SQL Query to export request details

SQL Query to export request details

Supported only for SQL DB(14201 build).
Executed in SQL DB  directly to export the requests.

Below query to export requests for one account / site.

SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", "wotodesc"."FULLDESCRIPTION" AS "Description", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester", "rrs"."RESOLUTION" AS "Resolution", "ad"."ORG_NAME" AS "Account", "sdo"."NAME" AS "Site", "qd"."QUEUENAME" AS "Group", "ti"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Technician", "std"."STATUSNAME" AS "Request Status", "pd"."PRIORITYNAME" AS "Priority", "lvd"."LEVELNAME" AS "Level", "mdd"."MODENAME" AS "Request Mode", "urgdef"."NAME" AS "Urgency", "impdef"."NAME" AS "Impact", "rtdef"."NAME" AS "Request Type", "cd"."CATEGORYNAME" AS "Category", "scd"."NAME" AS "Subcategory", "icd"."NAME" AS "Item",format(CAST(DATEADD(second,("wo"."CREATEDTIME")/1000,'1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS datetime),'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss','en-us') AS "Created Time",case when ("wo"."RESOLVEDTIME") > 0 then format(CAST(DATEADD(second,("wo"."RESOLVEDTIME")/1000,'1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS datetime),'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss','en-us') ELSE null END AS "Resolved Time",case when ("wo"."COMPLETEDTIME") > 0 then format(CAST(DATEADD(second,("wo"."COMPLETEDTIME")/1000,'1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS datetime),'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss','en-us') else null END AS "Completed Time"  FROM "WorkOrder" "wo" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderAccountMapping" "wam" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="wam"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "PortalAccounts" "port_acc" ON "wam"."ACCOUNTID"="port_acc"."ACCOUNTID" LEFT JOIN "AccountDefinition" "ad" ON "port_acc"."ACCOUNTID"="ad"."ORG_ID" LEFT JOIN "ModeDefinition" "mdd" ON "wo"."MODEID"="mdd"."MODEID" LEFT JOIN "SDUser" "sdu" ON "wo"."REQUESTERID"="sdu"."USERID" LEFT JOIN "AaaUser" "aau" ON "sdu"."USERID"="aau"."USER_ID" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderStates" "wos" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="wos"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "CategoryDefinition" "cd" ON "wos"."CATEGORYID"="cd"."CATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "SDUser" "td" ON "wos"."OWNERID"="td"."USERID" LEFT JOIN "AaaUser" "ti" ON "td"."USERID"="ti"."USER_ID" LEFT JOIN "StatusDefinition" "std" ON "wos"."STATUSID"="std"."STATUSID" LEFT JOIN "PriorityDefinition" "pd" ON "wos"."PRIORITYID"="pd"."PRIORITYID" LEFT JOIN "LevelDefinition" "lvd" ON "wos"."LEVELID"="lvd"."LEVELID" LEFT JOIN "SubCategoryDefinition" "scd" ON "wos"."SUBCATEGORYID"="scd"."SUBCATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "ItemDefinition" "icd" ON "wos"."ITEMID"="icd"."ITEMID" LEFT JOIN "UrgencyDefinition" "urgdef" ON "wos"."URGENCYID"="urgdef"."URGENCYID" LEFT JOIN "ImpactDefinition" "impdef" ON "wos"."IMPACTID"="impdef"."IMPACTID" LEFT JOIN "RequestTypeDefinition" "rtdef" ON "wos"."REQUESTTYPEID"="rtdef"."REQUESTTYPEID" LEFT JOIN "RequestResolver" "rrr" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="rrr"."REQUESTID" LEFT JOIN "RequestResolution" "rrs" ON "rrr"."REQUESTID"="rrs"."REQUESTID" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrder_Queue" "woq" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="woq"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "QueueDefinition" "qd" ON "woq"."QUEUEID"="qd"."QUEUEID" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderToDescription" "wotodesc" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="wotodesc"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "SiteDefinition" "siteDef" ON "wo"."SITEID"="siteDef"."SITEID" LEFT JOIN "SDOrganization" "sdo" ON "siteDef"."SITEID"="sdo"."ORG_ID" WHERE  ( "ad"."ORG_NAME" = 'My Org Inc' ) and ("sdo"."NAME"='Common Site')  AND wo.ISPARENT='1' and dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE(),getdate()) + (wo.createdtime/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00') >= convert(varchar,'2023-01-01 00:00',21) and dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE(),getdate()) + (wo.createdtime/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00') <= convert(varchar,'2023-07-01 00:00',21)

AND ("sdo"."NAME"='Common Site')  - remove this if you need to take all My Org Inc records.

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