Query to show workstation additional fields (MSSQL & PGSQL)
Tested in build PGSQL (14300) and MSSQL (14306)
SELECT workstation.WORKSTATIONNAME AS "Machine Name", workstation.MANUFACTURER AS "Manufacturer", workstation.SERVICETAG AS "Service Tag", workstation.MODEL AS "Model", aao.NAME AS "Vendor Name", wof.udf_char1 "Cubical Number", wof.udf_char2 "Purchase order", wof.udf_char3 "Invoice Number", wof.udf_char4 "Invoice Date", resToCost.TOTALCOST AS "Total Cost", LONGTODATE(resource.WARRANTYEXPIRY) AS "Warranty Expiry" FROM SystemInfo workstation LEFT JOIN Resources resource ON workstation.WORKSTATIONID=resource.RESOURCEID LEFT JOIN VendorDefinition resourceVendor ON resource.VENDORID=resourceVendor.VENDORID LEFT JOIN SDOrganization aao ON resourceVendor.VENDORID=aao.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN ResourceToCost resToCost ON resource.RESOURCEID=resToCost.RESOURCEID LEFT JOIN ResourceLocation resLocation ON workstation.WORKSTATIONID=resLocation.RESOURCEID LEFT JOIN workstation_fields wof ON workstation.workstationid=wof.workstationid WHERE (ISSERVER='0')
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