Query to show tickets created during weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) (MSSQL)

Query to show tickets created during weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) (MSSQL)

Tested in build MSSQL (14306)

SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "mdd"."MODENAME" AS "Request Mode", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester", "dpt"."DEPTNAME" AS "Department", "cd"."CATEGORYNAME" AS "Category", "scd"."NAME" AS "Subcategory", "icd"."NAME" AS "Item", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", longtodate("wo"."CREATEDTIME") AS "Created Time", "pd"."PRIORITYNAME" AS "Priority"  FROM "WorkOrder" "wo" LEFT JOIN "ModeDefinition" "mdd" ON "wo"."MODEID"="mdd"."MODEID" LEFT JOIN "SDUser" "sdu" ON "wo"."REQUESTERID"="sdu"."USERID" LEFT JOIN "AaaUser" "aau" ON "sdu"."USERID"="aau"."USER_ID" LEFT JOIN "DepartmentDefinition" "dpt" ON "wo"."DEPTID"="dpt"."DEPTID" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderStates" "wos" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="wos"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "CategoryDefinition" "cd" ON "wos"."CATEGORYID"="cd"."CATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "SubCategoryDefinition" "scd" ON "wos"."SUBCATEGORYID"="scd"."SUBCATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "ItemDefinition" "icd" ON "wos"."ITEMID"="icd"."ITEMID" LEFT JOIN "PriorityDefinition" "pd" ON "wos"."PRIORITYID"="pd"."PRIORITYID" WHERE   wo.ISPARENT='1' and 
datepart(dw, dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.createdtime/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00')) in (1,7)
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