Query to Pull out Login and LogOut History and to Find User Status

Query to Pull out Login and LogOut History and to Find User Status

      To generate the report which contains  Login and LogOut History of the users and to find out the user status currently.

Query 1 
Below query provides the users login and logout history of the users.
  1. SELECT au.first_name as "Technician",concat(au.FIRST_NAME,au.LAST_NAME) as "Full name", LONGTODATE(acs.OPENTIME) as "Login Time", 
  2. LONGTODATE(acs.CLOSETIME) as "Logout Time" from 
  3. aaauser au LEFT JOIN 
  4. aaalogin al on au.USER_ID = al.USER_ID 
  5. inner join aaaaccount ac on al.LOGIN_ID = ac.LOGIN_ID 
  6. left join aaaaccsession acs on ac.ACCOUNT_ID = acs.ACCOUNT_ID

Query 2 :
 By checking the Table structure and data, can be able to find login & logout history but could not able to find status change history.  Hene below query can be used to generate the users' status currently with the status changed time. Comparison of periodically scheduled reports can provide clear analysis of users status changes.
  1. SELECT au.first_name as "Technician",concat(au.FIRST_NAME,au.LAST_NAME) as "Full name",tsd.STATUSNAME as "Current Status",LONGTODATE(tcs.EXECUTEDTIME) AS "Status changed time" from  AaaAccount aaaacc INNER JOIN aaalogin aaal ON aaaacc.LOGIN_ID=aaal.LOGIN_ID  INNER JOIN aaauser au on au.user_id=aaal.user_id INNER JOIN TechnicianStatus tcs on aaal.USER_ID=tcs.TECHNICIANID  INNER JOIN techstatusdefinition tsd ON tcs.STATUS=tsd.STATUSID;

Compatibility :
      Database : PGSQL (Tested at Build No : 13008)

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