MTT Response Report is calculated as below,
>> Response Time: Ticket Responded Time - Ticket Created Time
>> MTT Response: Average total response time within a given time frame = Total Response Time within a given time frame (Divided by) Number of tickets created within the same time frame.
>> The same applies for the MTT Resolution Report.
SELECT TO_CHAR((SUM(wo.RESPONSE_TIMESPENT)/COUNT(wo.WORKORDERID) / 1000 || ' second') :: interval, 'HH24:MI') AS "MTTR Response Incidents", TO_CHAR((SUM(wo.TIMESPENTONREQ)/COUNT(wo.WORKORDERID) / 1000 || ' second') :: interval, 'HH24:MI') AS "MTTR Resolution Incidents" FROM WorkOrder wo WHERE wo.IS_CATALOG_TEMPLATE ='false' AND TO_TIMESTAMP(wo.CREATEDTIME/ 1000.0) >= ('2024-02-01 00:01'::TIMESTAMP) AND TO_TIMESTAMP(wo.CREATEDTIME/ 1000.0) <= ('2024-02-20 00:01'::TIMESTAMP)
SELECT TO_CHAR((SUM(wo.RESPONSE_TIMESPENT)/COUNT(wo.WORKORDERID) / 1000 || ' second') :: interval, 'HH24:MI') AS "MTTR Response Service Request", TO_CHAR((SUM(wo.TIMESPENTONREQ)/COUNT(wo.WORKORDERID) / 1000 || ' second') :: interval, 'HH24:MI') AS "MTTR Resolution Service Request" FROM WorkOrder wo WHERE wo.IS_CATALOG_TEMPLATE ='true' AND TO_TIMESTAMP(wo.CREATEDTIME/ 1000.0) >= ('2024-02-01 00:01'::TIMESTAMP) AND TO_TIMESTAMP(wo.CREATEDTIME/ 1000.0) <= ('2024-02-20 00:01'::TIMESTAMP)
>> The required timestamp can be selected in the highlighted area. The same highlighted area can be replaced with the following based on the requirement
To retrieve data for the current week: wo.CREATEDTIME >= <from_thisweek> AND wo.CREATEDTIME <= <to_thisweek>
To retrieve data for the current month: wo.CREATEDTIME >= <from_thismonth> AND wo.CREATEDTIME <= <to_thismonth>
>> The queries returns the below columns: