Query to find the list of Notifications high in number (outofoffice and microsoft emails) with a limit of 10 requests

Query to find the list of Notifications high in number (outofoffice and microsoft emails) with a limit of 10 requests


Select top 10 WorkorderId, (Select Count(*) from Notify_WorkOrder where Notify_WorkOrder.WorkorderId = WorkOrder.WorkorderId) AS NotificationCount from Workorder Order by (Select Count(*) from Notify_WorkOrder where Notify_WorkOrder.WorkorderId = WorkOrder.WorkorderId) DESC


Select WorkorderId, (Select Count(*) from Notify_WorkOrder where Notify_WorkOrder.WorkorderId = WorkOrder.WorkorderId) AS NotificationCount from Workorder Order by (Select Count(*) from Notify_WorkOrder where Notify_WorkOrder.WorkorderId = WorkOrder.WorkorderId) DESC limit 10

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