Query to find the last logged time of a contact in the portal

Query to find the last logged time of a contact in the portal

select aas.session_id "SessionID", aal.name "User Name",aau.FIRST_NAME "Contact Name",org.NAME "Account Name", parentorg.NAME "Parent Account Name",suborg.name "Sub Account", aas.user_host "User Host", aas.application_host "Application Host", longtodate(aas.opentime) "Start Time", longtodate(aas.closetime) "End Time", aas.status "Status" from AaaAccSession aas left join aaalogin aal on aas.account_id=aal.login_id left join sduser sd on aal.user_id=sd.userid left join departmentuser depu on sd.userid=depu.userid left join aaauser aau on depu.userid=aau.user_id LEFT JOIN Customer_Requester custreq ON sd.USERID=custreq.REQUESTER_ID LEFT JOIN Customer cust ON custreq.CUSTOMER_ID=cust.CUSTOMER_ID LEFT JOIN AaaOrganization org ON cust.CUSTOMER_ID=org.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN SUBACCOUNT sab ON custreq.CUSTOMER_ID=sab.subaccountid LEFT JOIN AaaOrganization suborg ON sab.subaccountid=suborg.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN SUBACCOUNT sab2 ON custreq.CUSTOMER_ID=sab2.parentaccountid LEFT JOIN AaaOrganization parentorg ON sab.parentaccountid=parentorg.ORG_ID where (depu.USERTYPE = 'Contact') group by aas.session_id
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