Query to find duplicates list of user with various criteria (PGSQL)

Query to find duplicates list of user with various criteria (PGSQL)

Tested in Build PGSQL (14300)

Listed queries for the below cases 
  1. Query to list requesters and technicians with email address filter.
  2. Query to list requesters and technicians with login name filter
  3. Query to list support groups with email address filter
  4. Query to list accounts with support email address filter.

You can run the queries under Reports Tab >> New Query Report. 

Query to list requsters and technicians with email address filter. Replace test@test.com with the user email address

select aaau.user_id,aaau.first_name,aaaci.emailid,sdu.status,sdo.name "Site",adef.org_name "Account" from aaauser aaau LEFT JOIN aaausercontactinfo aaauci ON aaauci.user_id=aaau.user_id LEFT JOIN aaacontactinfo aaaci ON aaaci.contactinfo_id=aaauci.contactinfo_id LEFT JOIN sduser sdu ON sdu.userid=aaau.user_id LEFT JOIN UserDepartment userDept ON sdu.USERID=userDept.USERID LEFT JOIN DepartmentDefinition deptTable ON userDept.DEPTID=deptTable.DEPTID LEFT JOIN sitedefinition sdef ON sdef.siteid=deptTable.siteid LEFT JOIN accountsitemapping asm ON asm.siteid=sdef.siteid LEFT JOIN accountdefinition adef ON adef.org_id=asm.accountid LEFT JOIN sdorganization sdo ON sdo.org_id=sdef.siteid where aaaci.emailid like '%test@test.com%'

Query to list requesters and technicians with login name filter. Replace test with username

select aaau.user_id,aaau.first_name,aaaci.emailid,sdu.status,aaal.name "Login Name",aaal.domainname "Domain", sdo.name "Site",adef.org_name "Account" from aaauser aaau LEFT JOIN aaausercontactinfo aaauci ON aaauci.user_id=aaau.user_id LEFT JOIN aaacontactinfo aaaci ON aaaci.contactinfo_id=aaauci.contactinfo_id LEFT JOIN sduser sdu ON sdu.userid=aaau.user_id LEFT JOIN UserDepartment userDept ON sdu.USERID=userDept.USERID LEFT JOIN DepartmentDefinition deptTable ON userDept.DEPTID=deptTable.DEPTID LEFT JOIN sitedefinition sdef ON sdef.siteid=deptTable.siteid LEFT JOIN accountsitemapping asm ON asm.siteid=sdef.siteid LEFT JOIN accountdefinition adef ON adef.org_id=asm.accountid LEFT JOIN sdorganization sdo ON sdo.org_id=sdef.siteid LEFT JOIN aaalogin aaal ON aaal.user_id=aaau.user_id where aaal.name like '%test%'

Query to list support groups with email address filter. Replace test@test.com with supportemail address

select qd.queuename "Group Name",qe.email "Email",sdo.name "Site Name",adef.org_name "Account Name" from queuedefinition qd LEFT JOIN queue_email qe ON qd.queueid=qe.queueid LEFT JOIN sitedefinition sdef ON sdef.siteid=qd.siteid LEFT JOIN sdorganization sdo ON sdo.org_id=sdef.siteid LEFT JOIN accountsitemapping asm ON asm.siteid=sdef.siteid LEFT JOIN accountdefinition adef ON adef.org_id=asm.accountid where qe.email like '%test@test.com%'

Query to list accounts with support email address filter. Replace support@sample.com with account support email dress.

select org_id, org_name "Account Name", login_uri, support_email "Support Email Address" from accountdefinition where support_email like '%support@sample.com%'

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