Query on current asset value (MSSQL & PGSQL)

Query on current asset value (MSSQL & PGSQL)

Tested in build PGSQL (14300) and MSSQL (14306)


SELECT productType.COMPONENTTYPENAME AS "Product Type", resource.RESOURCENAME AS "Asset Name1", resource.RESOURCENAME AS "Asset Name", product.COMPONENTNAME AS "Product",
LONGTODATE(resource.ACQUISITIONDATE) AS "Acquisition Date", aaov.NAME AS "Site", resToCost.PURCHASECOST AS "Purchase Cost", 
resToCost.TOTALCOST AS "Total Cost", resToCost.CURRENTCOST AS "Current Book Value", state.DISPLAYSTATE AS "Asset State", 
to_char(to_timestamp(to_char((dep.MONTH+1), '999'), 'MM'), 'Mon') "Months", dep.YEAR "Year", dep.bookvalue "Book Value on Depreciation"  FROM Resources resource
LEFT JOIN ComponentDefinition product ON resource.COMPONENTID=product.COMPONENTID 
LEFT JOIN ComponentType productType ON product.COMPONENTTYPEID=productType.COMPONENTTYPEID 
LEFT JOIN ResourceLocation resLocation ON resource.RESOURCEID=resLocation.RESOURCEID 
LEFT JOIN SiteDefinition siteDef ON resLocation.SITEID=siteDef.SITEID 
LEFT JOIN SDOrganization aaov ON siteDef.SITEID=aaov.ORG_ID 
LEFT JOIN ResourceToCost resToCost ON resource.RESOURCEID=resToCost.RESOURCEID 
LEFT JOIN ResourceDepreciationValue dep on resource.RESOURCEID = dep.RESOURCEID 
and ( (dep.YEAR = date_part('year', timestamp '2018-02-28')  and dep.MONTH >= (date_part('month', timestamp '2018-02-28'))-1) OR dep.YEAR > date_part('year', timestamp '2018-02-28'))
and ( (dep.YEAR = date_part('year', timestamp '2019-02-28')  and dep.MONTH <= (date_part('month', timestamp '2021-02-28'))-1) OR dep.YEAR < date_part('year', timestamp '2021-03-28')) ORDER BY 2, dep.DEPRECIATIONVALUEID


SELECT productType.COMPONENTTYPENAME AS "Product Type", resource.RESOURCENAME AS "Asset Name1", resource.RESOURCENAME AS "Asset Name", product.COMPONENTNAME AS "Product",
LONGTODATE(resource.ACQUISITIONDATE) AS "Acquisition Date", aaov.NAME AS "Site", resToCost.PURCHASECOST AS "Purchase Cost", 
resToCost.TOTALCOST AS "Total Cost", resToCost.CURRENTCOST AS "Current Book Value", state.DISPLAYSTATE AS "Asset State" FROM Resources resource
LEFT JOIN ComponentDefinition product ON resource.COMPONENTID=product.COMPONENTID 
LEFT JOIN ComponentType productType ON product.COMPONENTTYPEID=productType.COMPONENTTYPEID 
LEFT JOIN ResourceLocation resLocation ON resource.RESOURCEID=resLocation.RESOURCEID 
LEFT JOIN SiteDefinition siteDef ON resLocation.SITEID=siteDef.SITEID 
LEFT JOIN SDOrganization aaov ON siteDef.SITEID=aaov.ORG_ID 
LEFT JOIN ResourceToCost resToCost ON resource.RESOURCEID=resToCost.RESOURCEID 

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