Problem while creating the computer account for SSO

Problem while creating the computer account for SSO

Once the SSO configurations are done. It will try to create the computer account in Domain controller using the VBScript. If the script execution is being blocked. We need to copy and execute the same under DC.

To Create and set password for a new computer account:

Note: When you are trying to create a new Computer Account through the application or by running it locally on the AD server itself, the Computer Account will be created under the "Computers" container in the domain specified. If you have created a Computer Account elsewhere like on a different OU then the set password script won't work.

Running Scripts in the Active Directory Server:

Creating a Computer Account using NewComputerAccount.vbs

Open the command prompt on the AD server and browse to where the script is saved and then execute the below command:

CSCRIPTNewComputerAccount.vbs ComputerAcctName /p password /d DomainName

Note: You can copy the same from the error message itself.

To Set Password for already present Computer Account:

Fo resetting the password using SetComputerPass.vbs

Open the command prompt on the AD server and browse to where the script is saved and then execute the below command:

CSCRIPTSetComputerPass.vbs ComputerAcctName /p password /d DomainName

Note: You can copy the same from the error message itself.

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